Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thanks is a Small Word !!!

"Thanks"--- It sounds such a small word to say...
I Agree it's a sign of gratitude but even this sign sometimes feel to be..."hmmm..mmmm...NOT
It's a general convention that "Thanks" suffices at most places ... but ...really...does it
For a person who has just donated blood...
For a person who has sacrificed his life at the Border...
For a person who has just provided a meal to a poor starving child...
For a brother who will do anything for his brother and sisters well being and safety...
For a person who gave us Independence,Above all...Our Gandhi Ji...

Can you Just say to them "Thank You Very Much" ???

Its a Feeling beyond the powers of OXFORD dictionary,for that matter...

Its a spark in you which you rarely feel for someone.

And its not often that you feel like that....

Even You must have experienced that spark,that feeling,that respect for SOMEONE???.
(I Know You are Thinking of those ppl...and many faces are passing by your mind)

Yes you feel so, definitely for his/her efforts BUT personally speaking it is more...

For the "INTENT" with which someone has put in those efforts...Or
For listening to your frustrations,grievances with same interest...Or
For giving you some moments of extreme laughter,when you wanted to laugh more but couldn't...Or
For being critical when you actually needed some harsh tonic... Or
For the fact that you will inevitably get emotional leaving him/her...(when are soul will
reject the logic "Life Moves On")... Or
For the feeling when you are saying "Bye" to that person and thinking that "I wish i could have stayed a
little longer" ...Or Most Importantly
For preparing the Worlds Best Maggi when you were tired and hungry...(You actually miss that Na?)
For the Tear You never showed up so that he/she doesn't start crying...
(I Could Visualize People for different instances...and so, would You have...right???)
I could write many such things...as the list is endless...

I would say Thanks to that person but then after all ...My Heart still says....

" Thanks is a Small Word "


sushmita said...

Wah kya baat hai.. [:)]

Unknown said...

"THANKS.. "for this article; however i know, now , that Thanks indeed is a small word... sometimes..

Tarang said...

well, these are the moments that we remember..when thank you is not enough :) like mango cake in the middle of the night? :P

Ambuj Sinha said...
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